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7th Anniversary National Apology for Forced Adoption

20th March, 2020

Led by Jay Turner and Cath Mundy, a choir comprised of people affected by adoption performs 'Lost and Found'. 
Lost & Found Jay Turner & Cath Mundy
00:00 / 03:43
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On Friday, 20th March, we commemorated the 7th Anniversary of the National Apology for Forced Adoptions. The date was shifted from the actual anniversary date (21st March) as it fell on a Saturday this year. Owing to the commencement of COVID-19 restrictions, only a small gathering met at 'Events on Oxlade' in New Farm. Unfortunately many of the usual attendees were unable to be present. The event was organised by the Forced Adoption Support Service in consultation with ALAS Australia, The Association for Adoptees, Origins QLD, Jigsaw Qld and You Gave Me a Voice. 


The highlight of this year's event was the performance of an original song titled, 'Lost and Found' which was written specifically for this event by singer song-writers Jay Turner and Cath Mundy. In the months leading up to the anniversary, Cath and Jay met with a group of mothers and adoptees impacted by past adoption practices and the song is based on the experiences that were shared in that group. On the day of the Apology Anniversary event, two mothers shared their experience of being a part of this song-writing process. 


“I think all the group members found the words of the song most meaningful. I thoroughly enjoyed the group experience, and really appreciated the opportunity to be part of the consultation that allowed this song to be written. And singing the chorus has been exhilarating!” (Joyce)  


At this year's event, we also shared a small exhibition with song lyrics that have an adoption focus. These included the songs 'Hey' by Robyn Slade, 'Little Green' by Joni Mitchell, 'Jesse' by Mia Dyson and 'Orphan Girl' by Gillian Welch. 


'We had hoped that former senator Claire Moore might speak at year's event. However, as she was unavailable we were able to share a recorded video message from Claire Moore. This excerpt was taken from the State Library Film 'Without Our Consent', which can be found here


Each year at the Anniversary Event we encourage attendees to write their 'reflections' down at the end of the ceremony and place them on a memorial tree. This year, owing to COVID-19 we had to do things a little differently, and asked attendees to keep their tag and take it home to display. A slideshow sharing reflections recorded in previous years was featured during the ceremony. We hope to show this slide-show again at a future time. 


You can listen to the song 'Lost and Found' via the link at the top of the page and the lyrics are shared below so that you can share in this important occasion from the safety of your own home. To find out more about Forced Adoption in Australia, go to the Forced Adoption tabs in our menu.



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