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National Apology

On 21 March 2013, the Australian Government delivered a formal apology to people affected by forced adoption or removal policies and practices. The National Apology was delivered by the Prime Minister in the Great Hall at Parliament House, Canberra.


The apology acknowledges the experiences of those affected by forced adoption practices which created a lifelong legacy of pain and suffering. The Department of Social Services (DSS) is funding seven support services organisations across Australia for those affected by Forced Adoption practices. The National Apology was recommended in the Community Affairs References Committee Report.

















Prime Minister Julia Gillard delivers apology to people affected

by forced adoption policies and practices, 21 March, 2013


Read the full transcript of the apology below. Those affected by adoption can contact our new Forced Adoption Support Service on 1800 21 03 13. 

Read about past Federal Forced Adoption Apology Anniversary Events:




Lost and Found 


A highlight of the commemoration of the 7th Anniversary of the National Apology for Forced Adoptions held on Friday, 20th March, 2020 was the performance of an original song titled, 'Lost and Found' which was written specifically for the event by singer song-writers Jay Turner and Cath Mundy. In the months leading up to the anniversary, Cath and Jay met with a group of mothers and adoptees impacted by past adoption practices and the song is based on the experiences that were shared in that group. On the day of the Apology Anniversary event, two mothers shared their experience of being a part of this song-writing process. 


You can listen to the song 'Lost and Found' and read the lyrics below so that you can share in this important occasion.

Lost & Found Jay Turner & Cath Mundy
00:00 / 03:43
Final lyrics.jpg
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