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Featured stories

Constructing Identity After Adoption

May 09, 2017

On 22 April, Jigsaw Queensland's Forced Adoption Support Services (FASS) hosted the first 'Constructing Identity After Adoption' workshop facilitated by, Dr Jo-Ann Sparrow. Find out more about the day by following the link. 

Jigsaw in the Media - DNA Tests

April 17, 2017

Follow the link below to read a story Jigsaw Qld's, Dr Trevor Jordan was asked to provide comment on, in Fairfax papers Australia-wide. 


DNA tests are helping to make connections and disturbing some others. As always, information and support can be a great help. Jigsaw Queensland is here to do just that, 9-5, Mon-Fri. Call (07) 3358 6666 or 1800 21 03 13 (Qld only) or email

Jigsaw in the Media - Forced Adoption

March 14, 2017

An excellent article by Dr Jo Sparrow on why we continue to commemorate the National Apology for Past Forced Adoption. It has gone nationwide in the Fairfax papers. Please don't be put off by the careless title that the editors have given the article. The article clearly expresses the opposite sentiment. 


Link to Brisbane Times article.

Jigsaw Qld Welcomes Adoption Law Amendments

November 07, 2016

Parents and adoptees that were adopted prior to 1991 in Queensland will no longer have the shadow of penalties looming over them as they seek to search and reunite with their biological families.


The Queensland Government passed the Adoption and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 last week, removing the unnecessary penalties.


President of Jigsaw Queensland Post-Adoption Resource Centre, Dr Trevor Jordan said the organisation was pleased that the offences and penalties for breaching a contact statement for adoptions prior to 1991 had been removed.

Jigsaw President speaks to Conversations with Richard Fidler

April 03, 2016

Jigsaw President, Dr Trevor Jordan spoke to ABC Radio's Richard Fidler on Conversations on Monday (4 April). If you missed the live broadcast, you can listen to the podcast at the Conversations website (will be avail a few hours after broadcast). 

Trevor Jordan speaks to ABC Radio

February 02, 2016

If you live on the Sunshine Coast you may have heard Jigsaw's President, Trevor Jordan speak with ABC Radio's Jasmin Midgley on 2 February about the new website and how the organisation can assist people living in regional Queensland who are affected by adoption and donor-conception. He also discussed his own adoption story, Jigsaw's 40th anniversary this year and some current issues. If you missed it, listen now!

Figures Show High Demand for Identifying Information

December 16, 2015

The latest figures released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), show that on average, 50 Australians apply for information about a past adoption each week.

Jigsaw receives beautiful print donations

July 10, 2016

Jigsaw Queensland has two new print artworks to welcome clients and visitors following the recent donation of prints by artist and adoptee, Patricia Zuber.


Patricia, an experienced printmaking tutor and community artist, who explored her own experience of being adopted through printmaking, donated the artworks in conjunction with facilitating two printmaking workshops for Jigsaw in June.


The ‘Threads That Connect Us’ workshops were for adopted people wanting to reflect and express some aspect of their experience and to connect with other adopted people.

Jigsaw celebrates 40 years of volunteers

May 02, 2016

Acknowledging the commitment of volunteers for National Volunteer Week (9 to 15 May) is even more significant than ever in Jigsaw Queensland’s 40th anniversary year.


President of Jigsaw, Dr Trevor Jordan said volunteers are the backbone of the organisation and are responsible for its very existence.

Queenslander's Reflect on Forced Adoption Apology

November 29, 2015

Jigsaw Queensland hosted a morning tea on 27 November to acknowledge the 3rd anniversary of the Queensland apology for past forced adoption policies and practices at Memorial Corner in the Roma Street Parklands.


The historic apology was made in the Queensland parliament in 2012 in front of hundreds of affected men and women, with the hope it would ease some of the resulting pain and raise awareness of the long-term impacts of these common practices during the 1950s to 1970s.



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